Thursday, November 27, 2008

Experience Keeps a Dear School...

I have co-workers, brothers and sisters, serving in locales where life is in lockdown, and where a car backfire probably isn't a car backfire, where they have to follow the sound with a self-check for injuries. I don't envy their position, and consider them the braver for it. While India has witnessed its fair share of terror, the events in Mumbai are the first acts I've witnessed from India. I prefer to avoid drama and theatrics, but I will say the events have been sobering and have encouraged quiet reflection.

We're presently safe in Delhi, assisting Mumbai from a distance, and waiting with "baited breath." It's the "what ifs," the "what's to come" that has me thinking "maybe I should have bid on Reykjavik."

This post isn't meant to spawn a wave of concern, not at all. I am safe, and hopeful I'll remain that way. To my brothers and sisters that live with this uncertainty daily, the dangerous potentialities daily...I can only say thank you and be safe. To those at home I can say, without any care for how dramatic it may sound...savor Thanksgiving Day, be truly thankful for the time you have with your loved ones, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your children. Bask in that time, enjoy it, and don't take a second of it for granted. Today, too many people in India and throughout the world have been denied a future with a loved one. We never really know what the next moment will usher in.

To my beautiful wife and children, I love you dearly. Family and friends, ditto. I'll keep everyone posted.


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