Thursday, April 23, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Sometimes, when you're driving through the streets of Delhi, and you turn the AC way, way can almost pretend that the dirt drifts being blown across the surface of the road are actually snow also helps if you play Christmas songs while driving...

But then, when you step out of the car, you're hit with 110 degree heat and that winter fantasy withers and dies...Olivia actually said she'd like to stay overseas after India, but we have to go someplace where there's snow, where Santas lives (Finland, according to a commercial on our local TV)...



Katherine said...

I'm with Olivia on the snow thing . . . one of the reasons I love Maryland (or would love it more if it snowed as much as it was supposed to . . .) :)

Hey -- if you move somewhere with snow - I'll come visit. :) I don't do hot well. Ha!

Anne said...

I am ALMOST positive it snows in Columbus....I can't recall, maybe you should check weather patterns and consider buying a house in my neghborhood??

Anne said...

By the way...Jude would like Eli and Olivia to come spend the night....