Having a very Bohemian Sunday here in Delhi...cruising, frozen yogurt, a little skateboarding and football (soccer, but when in Rome) and Regina Spektor playing onto our veranda (patio, but when in Rome).
I've (read: we've) decided to run a series of entries that directly reference lyrics from popular songs. It will be the task of our readers to respond with the lyric's origin. Get it right and....well, good on you. Get it wrong and you'll lose our respect forever. This is our first and how absolutely appropriate...this place could be Heaven or it could be Hell. Like any other city or moment or situation (think about it), Delhi really could be Heaven or it really could be Hell, depending on the day, our mood, the kid's moods, the weather, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The difference here in Delhi is that the city nearly has a will of its own...and from moment to moment offers evidence of its nature, good and/or bad.
Delhi offers so much and then takes so much from you. It is cosmopolitan in one breath and a Sally Struthers commercial begging to "Save the Children" in its next breath. Julie read about a frozen yogurt joint in Defence Colony (*remind me to relate a funny about "Defence") called Cocoberry (similar to that new joint in Georgetown), so we ventured to check it out. It was tucked away in a market, hiding among buildings that have seen better days (or maybe not). Parking was a feat of patience and chance, and we were fortunate to find a spot where a self-empoyed parking attendant didn't ask for our keys (keys? sure, and here's the bomb to boot). Cocoberry outside: Purgatory. Cocoberry inside: Heaven. That's the way many of the restaurants are...to include Intermezzo, the small cafe we visited for lunch. You don't know what to expect when you walk through the doors...but we're usually pleasantly surprised (except for the bathrooms...bathrooms at most restaurants: Hell or nearly...I never knew Eli could handle inverted urination, until Delhi).

That's Delhi...Heaven, Hell or someplace in between...Purgatory. Getting anywhere is usually Hell...torturous and frustrating and exhaustingly repetitive (is that the same bull?!) We arrive and think "Crap, the magazine rated this restaurant/cafe/ice cream parlor five stars...is this the right place?" It is Purgatory...lost souls wandering about, in and out of squalid alleyways, begging in front of Benneton and "5-Star" restaurants. Step through the door and there are pearly gates, winged cherubs and harps....and glorious air-conditioning (because either Heaven is always mild or it had better be air-conditioned).
Moments in Delhi can be broken down similarly...which is why many comment that life in Delhi always runs at about 70%. Want a cookie from Mrs. Kaurs Cookies? Okay....here! Initial taste...why does this taste like dirt or sand or something that shouldn't be in my mouth? Once you get past that, the taste settles in and you're reminded of a real cookie, with chocolate and butter and sugar and the rest of the team. Cookie...70% From our last post...India Gate, a perfect example of "moments." From moment to moment....Heaven, Hell or Purgatory...nice breeze, warm sun....and then the smell of raw sewage....70%. Drifting along with my kids in a "bicycle" boat...kids laughter, couples strolling, balloons, ice cream and naked people bathing in a fountain or boatsmen ramming paid customers (Arghhh...comin' aboard!!)...70%. Heaven, followed by Hell, followed by Heaven...the tally sheet usually equals 70%.
In the end, 70% ain't bad. That's a "C." Passing grade. So Delhi isn't a Type-A personality, so what?! Delhi isn't about overachieving, it's about good enough.
*During Republic Day, the area of India Gate was surrounded by a heavy fence...to keep the crowds out or in, who knows? All along the fence, the entity responsible for its erection (haha) had been painted...Ministry of Defence!! HAHAHAHA. Ministry of De-fence!! Get it?!?!
I've (read: we've) decided to run a series of entries that directly reference lyrics from popular songs. It will be the task of our readers to respond with the lyric's origin. Get it right and....well, good on you. Get it wrong and you'll lose our respect forever. This is our first and how absolutely appropriate...this place could be Heaven or it could be Hell. Like any other city or moment or situation (think about it), Delhi really could be Heaven or it really could be Hell, depending on the day, our mood, the kid's moods, the weather, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The difference here in Delhi is that the city nearly has a will of its own...and from moment to moment offers evidence of its nature, good and/or bad.
That's Delhi...Heaven, Hell or someplace in between...Purgatory. Getting anywhere is usually Hell...torturous and frustrating and exhaustingly repetitive (is that the same bull?!) We arrive and think "Crap, the magazine rated this restaurant/cafe/ice cream parlor five stars...is this the right place?" It is Purgatory...lost souls wandering about, in and out of squalid alleyways, begging in front of Benneton and "5-Star" restaurants. Step through the door and there are pearly gates, winged cherubs and harps....and glorious air-conditioning (because either Heaven is always mild or it had better be air-conditioned).
Moments in Delhi can be broken down similarly...which is why many comment that life in Delhi always runs at about 70%. Want a cookie from Mrs. Kaurs Cookies? Okay....here! Initial taste...why does this taste like dirt or sand or something that shouldn't be in my mouth? Once you get past that, the taste settles in and you're reminded of a real cookie, with chocolate and butter and sugar and the rest of the team. Cookie...70% From our last post...India Gate, a perfect example of "moments." From moment to moment....Heaven, Hell or Purgatory...nice breeze, warm sun....and then the smell of raw sewage....70%. Drifting along with my kids in a "bicycle" boat...kids laughter, couples strolling, balloons, ice cream and naked people bathing in a fountain or boatsmen ramming paid customers (Arghhh...comin' aboard!!)...70%. Heaven, followed by Hell, followed by Heaven...the tally sheet usually equals 70%.
In the end, 70% ain't bad. That's a "C." Passing grade. So Delhi isn't a Type-A personality, so what?! Delhi isn't about overachieving, it's about good enough.
*During Republic Day, the area of India Gate was surrounded by a heavy fence...to keep the crowds out or in, who knows? All along the fence, the entity responsible for its erection (haha) had been painted...Ministry of Defence!! HAHAHAHA. Ministry of De-fence!! Get it?!?!
I will have that song in my head forever now....Hotel California -Eagles...Sounds like a 70% fun filled Sunday....I think 70% is pretty standard in life no matter where you live though!!
Anne is CORRECT...Did you know I had my original "Olivia" tat done about three blocks from the Hotel California in Venice Beach?
I for one did NOT know that...but how fitting....also, your pics weren't there yesterday?? Too Cute! Do they have Ballet lessons over there? Alise is getting all grown up already:( And Eli has that definite Turner - I am a PITA - boy look to him...I commiserate....truly...
oooooh alise is so big!!! please send more pictures! ps. did you guys get my save the date? i know you probably can't come, but wanted you to know how important you are!
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