Friday, December 12, 2008


You're going to be disappointed, and it's my fault. I purposefully titled this entry "UPDATE" in all caps with two, yes two, exclamation points to get all of you geared up for an exciting entry, tales from an adventurous life in exotic India. I had Dominos Pizza tonight after working thirteen-hours. BUT, it WAS delivered to the house in under 30 minutes. In India, that IS a promise Dominos intends to keep! I did receive my Christmas tree and some groceries in the mail that was exciting!

The air in New Delhi is still heavy with fear and anticipation...and cow dung, but mostly fear and anticipation following the Mumbai attacks. The city remains on "high alert," and so has begun the "knee-jerk" reactionary measures. I'm not saying these measures are bad, but they're reactionary. Life, which is comprised of nothing but work, has become very hectic and taxing, and I've only been on the job for one month. It's great work, and I think I'll enjoy it immensely, once I figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. I'm told this phase is normal, so I'll ride it out.

I don't have many wondrous tales to tell...not yet. I've visited many local markets, haggled with shopkeepers, braved the by-ways in a "tuck-tuck" and I've seen monkeys riding motorcycles (with their owners), but I'm not doing anything terribly exciting in what little free time I have. I'm waiting to share the many adventures with my family.

I recently returned from a work-related trip to Bhutan. The Kingdom of Bhutan is...Shangri-La of Legend. It is clean and beautiful, and the people are soft-spoken and kind. It's no wonder people clamor to visit the Kingdom... only to have their plans dashed against the rocks of futility (the Bhutanese government limits the number of tourists into the country). I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have visited, and the objective of the trip was achieved, or so I understood.

I'll soon travel home to collect Julie and the kids. I can't wait! We'll celebrate Christmas in Texas, New Years in D.C., and then return to New Delhi. Once my family joins me here at post, then you can expect the entries to increase exponentially...elephant rides, the Taj Mahal, and other stereotypically touristy pursuits.

Well, for those who had asked "Where are the blogs? When is the next post?" Here it is...I'm sorry I don't have anything more scintillating to share. It's funny maybe how we humans struggle to find our routines when in a new place...I wake up, I go to work, I work, I eat, I pick up some groceries perhaps, I work some more, I leave work, I go home, I eat, I workout, and I go to sleep. Then, God willing, I wake the next morning to do it all over again. Maybe it's not funny, maybe it's sad or maybe it's both. Or maybe it's neither funny or sad...maybe it just is. Deep. Look at it this way...nothing much to report here, but I did use the word "scintillating" and you don't see that every day. Unless you write and/or edit romance novels...then you might see that word plenty. Goodnight.

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