Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I'm the land of elephants and tigers, of Verizon Customer Service and HMO calltakers, of curry and spices, of 120-degree heat in the shade and Amoeba swimming pools (AKA drinking water). It's been quite the delay, quite the headache, and remains a heartache, leaving Julie, Olivia, Eli, and little Alise. We'll only be separated for another six weeks or so, and for that we're grateful. Olivia was admitted into the American Embassy School, which is awesome. Eli just had a fine lookin' haircut, and is extremely proud. Julie has confirmed that Alise has at least one dimple. There may be a second...Olivia isn't happy about that as she's wondered why then Eli and Alise would get two dimples, and she only gets one.

Anywho. I'll provide further updates once I'm settled. I hope this blog finds all of our friends and family happy and healthy.

1 comment:

Channing said...

I am so glad most of the situation is resolved and that you are in your new "home." But I know the kids are having a tough time...understandably!...and Julie, too. Know that they are well taken care of here in Texas and that I will soon visit them all! I am so excited to meet Alise.