So, I says to Julie..."Julie," I says, "the people want to hear from you, they want your perspective, they want your thoughts, your words, your wisdom" she said. . . ."Sure, Owen, I'll get right on that between getting the kids ready for summer school, entertaining Alise, picking the kids up from summer school, feeding them lunch, working, getting dinner ready, feeding the family dinner, cleaning up after dinner, getting the kids bathed, putting the kids to bed, doing four more hours of really stupid work because my boss sucks. . . sure, I'll get right on that blog entry." So then I says, "Blah, blah, blah...write, woman, write!!!!"
So, here I am writing the most recent blog entry, the long-awaited blog entry, the newest from Tales Turner. We've been living life, nothing spectacular to report, nothing earth-shattering.
I was in Chennai for work in early was like Delhi, only farther south and a touch quieter. Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is on the southeast coast of India, on the Bay of Bengal, and is known for its stretch of beach...the world's longest. In addition to being the world's longest, it is also the world's dirtiest and the most depressing. Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio, upon seeing this beach, would throw their respective hands to the air in exasperation and concede defeat with "To Hell with it all!" They would then drive off in a Hummer, spraying Hair Net out the window, on their way to a Baby Seal Clubbing event. So, no, I didn't spend much time at the beach. Meanwhile, back at the Bat Cave, Julie carted Olivia and Eli off to summer school every morning, giving herself three hours of quiet everyday. It's never fun spending time apart, so I was thankful to get home after three weeks.
Olivia and Eli have continued their summer school...Olivia has become quite the swimmer and is becoming a math-whiz, like her mom. Alise is speed-crawling and starting to cruise...she's also sporting two new teeth. Eli's artwork is worthy of accolades and he recently shaved his head like daddy...for an entirely different reason, though...he isn't balding (yet). It's just sooooo damn hot here...122 Degrees this weekend, in the shade. I wish I were exaggerating. Needless to say, Julie and the kids are looking forward to their trip back to the States this next week, looking forward to the 90-Degree heat....sweet relief.
All is well here in Delhi. Julie and I had a fancy Kashmiri dinner last night with some fancy people. It also came with a fancy price tag. It was an experience though, and experiences are worth it. The kids, though really looking forward to seeing Grammie/Poppy & Grandma/Grandpa, are settled in well here. They have their favorite things to do, they know the routes to all the malls, to all the markets and they're still amazed by the numerous wandering Brahma Bulls and Marauding Monkeys.
No recent travel outside of Delhi (not counting the day-trip to Sohna where we visited some friends at a Resort & Spa - by some stroke of luck they'd received an upgrade to the Presidential Suite, complete with it's own pool. It was SICK (which the hip kids tell me means "Rad.")).
So, anywho...not much left to update. We're presently mourning the loss of Michael Jackson or at least the Michael Jackson we remember from the 80s and early 90s, before he went really batshit. I remember roller skating at Skate Town to Thriller and Bad...I remember watching his videos on MTV. I also remember listening to the Jackson Five classics on the radio...I suppose most people have the same or similar memories. Shame his talent was overshadowed by the life that became a freakshow-roadshow. R.I.P. Michael Jackson. I know celebrities usually go in 3's...I'm really hoping Swayze toughs it out as long as possible. I'm not sure the 80s/90s can take another hit. Sure, there's The Outsiders, Red Dawn, Ghost....classics. What about Roadhouse, Next of Kin and Black Dog?!? Okay, not Black Dog or the one where he dressed in drag...but definitely Roadhouse and Next of Kin...remember Liam Neeson in Next of Kin? Awesome!
Anywho... I apologize if we've been kinda quiet...and I apologize in advance if nothing new comes for a bit after this. With Julie and the kids in the States, the next blog might read, "Woke. Worked. Worked-out. Wept. Went to bed." Repeat. Don't pity me though...don't. At least I'll have this ratty street dog to look after while they're away...ughhh.